Why You’ll Make A Strong Mother, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You’ll make a strong mother because you are brutally honest. You aren’t going to trick your children or manipulate them into doing what you want. You are going to be as transparent with them as you possibly can from a young age. You will treat them like adults because you respect them.
You’ll make a strong mother because you look before you leap. You are cautious, so you will do your fair share of research before making decisions that will impact your children. You will try your hardest to get this parenting thing right.
You’ll make a strong mother because you’re incredibly fun. You know how to turn any mundane situation into a good time. You’re going to get your children excited about little things like folding laundry or doing homework because you’ll make a game out of it.
You’ll make a strong mother because you are generous and kind. You will show your children what it means to be a good person. You will encourage them to move through this world with grace and compassion.
You’ll make a strong mother because you treat yourself like a priority. They will learn by your example. You will teach them how to love themselves and respect themselves, even when they’re doubting themselves. Your strength will rub off on them.
You’ll make a strong mother because you are an excellent multitasker. Being a parent is no easy task, but you have what it takes to juggle all of the different things going on in your life. You know you don’t have to choose your family over your career/friends/hobbies. You can have everything you want, which will make you an excellent role model for your children.
You’ll make a strong mother because you are affectionate. You never shy away from stating how you feel. You will make sure your children know that you love them because you will say the words loudly and often — and you will give hugs just as much.
You’ll make a strong mother because you’re self-aware. When you mess up, you’re willing to apologize and talk the situation through instead of stubbornly insisting you were right. You aren’t going to boss your children around just because you can. You’ll really listen to what they have to say and take their feelings into consideration.
You’ll make a strong mother because you are a hard worker. You will show your children the value of hard work and encourage them to reach their fullest potential. You will make it clear that goals require effort, and that they need to put in the hours if they want to succeed.
You’ll make a strong mother because you are consistent and reliable. You are never going to let your children down as long as you can help it. You’ll show up whenever they need you and will follow through on all of your promises. You will be present emotionally, not just physically.
You’ll make a strong mother because you are open-minded. Your children will feel like they can come to you about anything that is bothering them without being judged. They know that you provide a safe space, that you would never air their secrets or make them feel bad about who they are.
You’ll make a strong mother because you are empathetic. You are never going to belittle their feelings or encourage them to stop crying because you want them to be honest and vulnerable. You want them to learn how to process their feelings in a healthy way.
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