Gemini – Weekly Money & Work Horoscope

“Career momentum is building—are you ready to seize it?”

As the Sun opposes Saturn on September 8, you may feel a clash between what you want and what your current responsibilities demand. Professionally, this can manifest as extra work or delayed recognition for your efforts. Don’t let this discourage you! This opposition is here to remind you that success comes with persistence and dedication.

Mercury, your ruling planet, enters Virgo on September 9, sharpening your focus and communication skills in the workplace. Now is the time to tackle any lingering projects, clean up your workspace, or have important conversations with superiors or colleagues. The clarity and precision you bring to the table will be noticed. If you’ve been waiting for a career breakthrough, this transit can help you lay the groundwork.

On September 12, Mercury forms a sextile to Mars, ramping up your ambition and drive. This is an excellent time to take initiative on projects or pitch your ideas. Your enthusiasm will be contagious, but with the Sun squaring Jupiter the same day, be cautious not to overestimate your capabilities. While your career is gaining momentum, it’s essential to pace yourself to avoid burnout. Financially, this could be a week where a side hustle or new investment begins to show promise, but keep your expectations in check.

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