Virgo September 2019 Monthly Horoscope

Virgo September 2019 Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF AUG 2019: Your ruler Mercury is finally direct in sensitive Cancer as the month begins, bringing communication issues back to a state of normalcy. If you’ve had misunderstandings with someone in the past several weeks, this is a good time to sincerely apologize or graciously receive an apology from someone else.

Powerful Mars enters your organized sign on August 18, so getting things done is your number one priority. Your take-charge attitude can be intimidating, but you’re just trying to make sure the job gets done and gets done right. Organization is your best friend now.

Romantic Venus also enters your disciplined sign, on the twenty-first, so matters of the heart are very matter of fact and practical. Show a loved one how much they mean to you by washing their car, offering to run errands, or taking in the trash. The more practical the gesture, the more meaningful it is to you.

The sun enters your sign, too, on August 23, ushering in sensible Virgo season. You’re in your element now, and you enjoy putting things in their place, being on time, and making sure your house and office are super clean. Tending to details is what you do best, and you love freeing yourself from (emotional and physical) clutter.


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