Virgo September 2018 Love Horoscope

Virgo September 2018 Love Horoscope

Virgo Mercury leads you to some interesting places this month. The sextile between your power planet and Venus on September 3 boosts your charm factor, makes you flirtier than usual, and makes it easy for you to get what you want.

You may hear some unexpected gossip during the Venus-Uranus retrograde opposition on the twelfth, and you don’t always do very well with surprises. Maybe it’s best not to respond (or try to defend yourself) until you’ve had more time to digest it.

And just when you could use a little more luck in your life, Jupiter comes through with a sextile to communicative Mercury on September 16. Your brain can focus easily during this transit, helping you process events in your love life quickly and accurately (and leaving behind the guesswork).

Your confidence in how you express yourself gets a boost during the Mars-Mercury trine on the twenty-third, making this a great time to get something off your chest. Saying exactly what’s on your mind can help clear the air with a partner or secret crush, especially if you must defend yourself verbally.


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