Virgo February 2019 Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF FEB 2019: Mercury is your informative ruler, and when it sextiles expansive Jupiter on February 3, you think a lot about the future. Where do you want to be in one, five, or ten years? Your broad outlook helps you see beyond today’s limitations.
When Mercury enters Pisces on the tenth, your words become passionate and sympathetic, and you inherently know the right thing to say to a friend who’s going through a difficult time. You’re much more tactful than usual, which is appreciated by all.
A Mercury-Neptune conjunction on February 19 prompts you to seek out the unknown, so mysteries, secrets, and taboo topics are all equally appealing. Do you feel like someone isn’t telling you the whole truth? Find out what they’re hiding.
The moon moves into mysterious Scorpio on the twenty-third, further increasing your need to know all. You thought your curiosity was piqued before? Wait until this inquisitive energy hits you!
Your directness is highlighted during the sun-Mars sextile on February 27, so you aren’t likely to sugarcoat anything. You tell it like it is, no more, no less. Assertiveness works to your advantage in most cases, but make the call on a case-by-case basis.
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