Virgo August 2017 Horoscope
This month starts off quietly, but don’t let that fool you — there’s amazing potential. First, it’s possible that you’ll feel a stronger need to spend time alone after August 2 in order to simply hear yourself think. You might be working on a fabulous new creative endeavor that requires deep concentration. As a result, privacy will be a priority for the first half of the month so that you can cultivate your best work. This project might be complete near August 18, and at that time you’ll feel quite fulfilled about it.
Venus enters your sign on August 5, and remains in Virgo until August 29. During this phase, you’ll enjoy a boost in confidence that is sure to be noticed by others. You’ll look and feel brighter and it’ll be a great time to update your wardrobe, consider a minor cosmetic procedure, or do whatever else it is that will make you feel even more beautiful. This will also be a positive time for relationship matters. Romance with a partner is especially dreamy near August 14.
By the end of the month you might notice that it’s beginning to get more difficult to get your point across to others in the way you mean to. Mercury will turn retrograde in your sign on August 30, and won’t turn direct until September 22. Be patient with yourself.
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