Virgo 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

Virgo 2020 Yearly Love Horoscope

YEAR OF 2020: Love is a mystery, Virgo—but as Neptune continues transiting your relationship house this year, you’re being initiated in its secret ways.

Whatever boundaries stand between you and true love, Neptune in Pisces wants to help you dissolve them. Just remember, some boundaries are there for good reason—like the one between fantasy and reality, which tends to get blurrier when Neptune’s around!

One of your biggest obstacles in relationships is the tendency to be overly critical or judgmental. But as Venus unites with Neptune on January 27, followed by Mercury on April 3, you’re encouraged to think more loving thoughts about your partner and choose kinder, gentler words to communicate with them. Adopting a more open-hearted attitude can work miracles in relationships of all kinds.

Jupiter in Capricorn sextiles Neptune three times this year (February 20, July 27, and October 12), bridging the gap between the serious, down-to-earth, practical side of love and the dreamy, magical, romantic side. But don’t expect romance to blossom on its own—to make the most of this opportunity aspect, you’ll have to tend it like a garden.

This year’s Capricorn conjunctions (Saturn/Pluto January 12; Jupiter/Pluto April 4, June 29, and November 12) reaffirm that sometimes love takes discipline and hard work. But if you’re willing to put in the effort, Virgo, the effect can be truly transformative!

In romantic and platonic relationships alike, communication is the most important thing to work on this year—especially while your ruling planet Mercury is retrograde in Scorpio and Libra (October 13-November 3). Issues of fairness and equality may come up between you and a significant other at this time. Fortunately, with Venus in your sign, you’re able to assert your needs and desires in a self-honoring but loving way that makes them more willing to listen—and more inclined to give you what you want.

Still, with hotheaded Mars in his home sign of Aries (your house of intimacy) from June 27 through early next year, a lover’s quarrel or two might be inevitable. But don’t worry, Virgo—there’s a good chance the makeup sex will be even hotter than the argument!


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