Virgo 2020 August Monthly Horoscope

Virgo 2020 August Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF AUG 2020: There’s less social energy around you as romantic Venus moves from communicative Gemini to introverted Cancer on August 7. Your focus is more one-on-one now, and you seek to strengthen your family unit or bond with a close friend or lover. You know which relationships are most important, and you’re ready to do what it takes to keep them thriving.

Rebellious Uranus takes a time-out during its retrograde period in steady Taurus starting on the fifteenth, giving you a good chance to look at your own actions in the past several months and figure out how they’re tied to your success or failure. Is it time to step up and take more responsibility, or are you doing okay in this area?

Your home planet Mercury leaves life-of-the-party Leo and enters your practical sign on August 19, making your communications less lively and more focused. The people you’re in touch with most often might see you as being a lot more subdued, but you prefer to think of yourself as more focused.

The sun also leaves outgoing Leo for your sign on the twenty-second, and you can’t wait to get back to business. You probably had a lot of fun these past weeks, but you can’t (and don’t want to) avoid your responsibilities forever. Is it weird that you can’t wait to get back to your regular cleaning, straightening, and organizing schedule?!