Sagittarius – Venus in Leo Horoscope

As Venus enters Leo, you reconnect with the fact that your desire for learning and exploration are integral to who you are. The more you honor your natural proclivity for expansion, the more satiated you will feel in your everyday life.

Of course, expansion takes many forms. It can mean working remotely from a hostel on the other side of the world. It can mean granting yourself permission to spelunk the rabbit holes that call you — whether that’s astrology, post-colonial theory, or neuroscience.

It can also mean a date with a candle, incense, and your tarot deck. This is about connecting with something larger than you, and there is no limit to how that takes shape.

Venus’ retrograde will offer a time to disentangle yourself from any outgrown beliefs or stories you carry around feeling deserving of freedom. It’s time to give your roving nature a little air time. Ask your inner wild one where they want to go.

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