Taurus – Venus in Leo Horoscope

As Venus enters Leo, the foundations of your life get infused with pleasure and connection. Over the next few months, tap into the ways your home base restores your radiance. Adorn your space with wildflowers. Light wands of incense in every room. Scavenge your local thrift shops to find new trinkets, treasures, and comforts.

Starting July 22nd, Venus’ retrograde will draw you to sift through deeply rooted beliefs around love that you encountered in your family of origin or childhood. This is an opportunity to re-parent yourself and reclaim your agency around the kind of love and pleasure you want to nurture.

Freedom from the past doesn’t mean a rejection of it — not if you don’t want it to. The first step is to ask your past self what they need to feel witnessed or listened to. Maybe that involves therapy. Maybe it involves talking to loved ones, or writing a list of worries in your diary, followed by a list of reasons those fears don’t have the whole picture.

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