Scorpio – Venus in Cancer Horoscope

Hey Scorpio! Adventure and learning await you! With Venus transiting Cancer from June 17th to July 11th, this transit lights up your 9th house. The 9th house is about travel, higher education, and personal growth.

This period is perfect for expanding your horizons and seeking new experiences. You might feel a strong desire to travel, learn something new, or explore different cultures and philosophies. Your thirst for knowledge and adventure will be heightened, making it a great time to embark on a journey, whether physical or intellectual.


  • Travel: Plan a trip or explore new places. Immersing yourself in new environments will bring joy and enlightenment.
  • Education: Enroll in a course or workshop that interests you. Expanding your knowledge will be deeply fulfilling.
  • Philosophical Exploration: Engage in activities that broaden your perspective, such as reading, attending lectures, or engaging in meaningful conversations.


  • Avoid Impulsiveness: While seeking adventure is exciting, ensure you plan and prepare adequately for any trips or new ventures.
  • Overextending: Be mindful not to spread yourself too thin with too many activities or commitments.
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