Valentine’s Day Tarot Card Reading For Zodiac Signs


Positive vibes are coming our way. Check your tarotscope for Valentine’s Day!

Valentine’s Day Tarot Card Reading For Zodiac Signs

Tarot is a great tool to find out the deets about our love lives. It can get as specific as we want it to, which is why I find pulling tarot cards a great way to understand our circumstances on a more intimate and intricate level.

This year, the tarot brought good news for everyone, so I can confidently report that Valentine’s Day 2023 looks like it’s amazing and exciting for everyone. Overall, it’s a day to get risky, freaky, and enjoy the good energy.

Aries: 4 of Wands

If you’re in a committed relationship, you may find that your love life is spicing up. There are plenty of good times, full of laughter and tenderness ahead. If you’re single, this card indicates that you’ll find romance in unexpected places. You could meet someone at a party or a random event, which could lead to a special partnership that leads to a long-term relationship.

Taurus: 2 of Cups

The 2 of Cups represents two people merging together and creating something beautiful and special. This lovely card represents the mutual respect and admiration these two people have for each other. Harmony, joy, and love have come and will remain. It’s the time to lean into the positives of this or any upcoming relationship can offer to make a wonderful future that transcends time.

Gemini: The Star

The hope that you have been holding onto for positive change with your crush or significant other is finally here. New beginnings are coming in the form of a relationship or a restart in an ongoing partnership. It’s time to make a fresh start and enjoy the good vibes that are coming. Think of this as a time of rejuvenation and optimism for the future.

Cancer: Knight of Pentacles

Being that you like to feel safe and secure with others, the partnership you’re in at the current moment is ideal for you since it harbors those emotional sentiments. You’re in a steady and stable relationship, which is why you shouldn’t rock the boat by overthinking matters. Be present with your loved ones and relish in the time you are able to share with them.

Leo: Judgement

What do you need to be happy in a relationship? Consider making a list consisting of your romantic desires to see if your current situationship aligns with it. This process will give you insight into your relationship. You’ll find that you’ve been harshly judging your crush/S.O. and should cut them some slack. After all, they have many amazing attributes that you’ve been taking for granted.

Virgo: 7 of Cups

Right now, you have many romantic options. Several people are interested in dating and committing to you. Also, have the where with all to decide where the relationship is going based on your intuition — you can have the type of partnership you want. Weigh every possibility that’s on the table and make sure you’re not jumping in impulsively to make the best choice.

Libra: 6 of Wands

Let the trumpets blare with no care! You are feeling victorious, powerful, and confident in your love life, which means that you’re at a place where things are going well in your partnerships. Take pride in knowing that your crush is reciprocating your feelings (and then some). Long-term relationships can become extra saucy and sensual now, leading to a steamy and spirited Valentine’s Day.

Scorpio: 9 of Pentacles

You’ve been spending a lot of time trying to make your situationship better on many levels. And, although you were stressed in the past, you are finding that there is nothing to worry about. But, the work that has been done will prove to be helpful in maintaining the integrity and foundation of the relationship. Appreciating your crush/S.O. is crucial as you move forward together.

Sagittarius: The World

Buckle up, buttercup! Your relationship is evolving very quickly. This could lead to a more serious situationship or possible engagement in the upcoming months. Before you jump into fully committing, make sure they are worthy of your love. More importantly that you are completely in it to win it with your significant other. You don’t want to commit to someone you have lukewarm feelings for.

Capricorn: Ace of Swords

You’ve been struggling to be heard by those you love. Now, you can speak up and express yourself with TLC without having to worry about feeling and being heard with open ears — especially by your crush. Speaking your mind is going to be freeing and help you set the circumstances of your relationship from a different dynamic. In the end, it’ll be healing.

Aquarius: The Emperor

Stop taking the reins and being the one who does all the planning in your relationship. Give your partner a chance to have a say in things that you do together to feel like a cohesive unit. If there is a struggle in finding a middle ground, then compromise is the best action and solution in these situations.

Pisces: The Lovers

Even if a relationship isn’t cemented or defined at the current moment, it doesn’t mean that you don’t share a deep connection with your boo. This isn’t a time to discuss the future and get serious. Be flirty and embrace your sensuality. The bond you want is happening and developing in an organic way without the added pressure you both can put on it.


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