Taurus March 2019 Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF MAR 2019: When your ruler Venus squares eccentric Uranus on March 1, you get some unusual ideas when it comes to love and money. It isn’t like you to veer too far off the path, but innovative ideas catch your attention now.
Mercury goes retrograde on the fifth, creating its usual share of headaches. Communication mix-ups and technological glitches might be your biggest problem, especially if they affect your job or love life. Put that infamous Taurus patience to good use until Mercury heads direct on the twenty-eighth.
Uranus enters your conservative sign on March 6, shaking things up even further. You’re drawn to stability, but you can’t help but notice that other people are doing things differently – and with wild success. Will you change your ways? Maybe temporarily.
Venus squares ambitious Mars on the twenty-first, so go after what you want romantically and/or financially. You’ll have to live with any major decisions you make right now, but you rarely make a move without being sure of yourself.
The practical Capricorn moon on March 27 through March 29 keeps your emotions reined in tight, and it will take a very special person to knock them loose. You don’t gain anything by letting down your guard.
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