Taurus February 2022 Horoscope

Taurus February 2022 Horoscope

This looks like it should be a very uplifting month, Taurus, with some exciting times ahead. The sun in a prominent zone is your chance to shine bright and focus on promoting yourself however you can. And with communicator Mercury turning direct on February 3, things will get easier. You can soon make a start on those projects that have been languishing on the back burner.

Stirring Mars continues its journey through Capricorn and a far-reaching zone, and this could stimulate you to explore new ideas and options. If you’re ready to fly high, the exciting Mars-Jupiter link on the fourth can push you out of your comfort zone.

Chatty Mercury moves back into Aquarius on February 14, which is perfect for networking with movers and shakers and making a great impression on all the right people.

The full moon in Leo on the sixteenth impacts on your home and family sector and may bring pent-up feelings into the open. People could get irritated over trivial matters, but slightly deeper issues could be the cause.

On a more lighthearted note, a get-together at your house could be a great occasion even if it’s a tad boisterous.

The focus shifts as the sun dances into dreamy Pisces on February 18. The coming four weeks look good for your social life, finding you eager to connect with others who share your interests. You’ll be looking for people you feel at home with because being in their company truly recharges you.

Both fiery Mars and image-conscious Venus align with Neptune on the twenty-third and twenty-fourth, respectively, so you might be looking at life through rose-tinted specs. You’ll be drawn to glamour and people with a creative or bohemian quality. Being around them could remind you that you also have special talents; you just need to use them.