Taurus 2019 October Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF OCT 2019: Assertive Mars pairing up with gentle Libra on October 3 isn’t exactly a perfect match, but you can still gain something positive from their mutual energy. You can push a situation forward, but you’ll get better results by using tact and good manners rather than pressure or force.
Romantic Venus partners with intense Scorpio on the eighth, producing some sparks between you and someone new. This could cause problems if you’re already in a relationship, because your tendencies lie toward being secretive now. Tap in to your loyalty to make sure things don’t go too far, Taurus.
You question things you thought you were sure of during the Venus-Uranus opposition on October 12, and this hesitancy can create issues where there weren’t any before. Change doesn’t have to be a bad thing, but doubt and suspicions turn something innocent into something negative.
The sun joins Venus in determined Scorpio on October 23, bringing a renewed sense of resolve to a romantic situation. You aren’t likely to settle for less than you feel you deserve now, and good luck to anyone who tries to get in your way. Once you think you’re right, you can’t be persuaded otherwise.
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