Sun in Sagittarius Season Horoscope 2023

Sun in Sagittarius Season Horoscope 2023

Sagittarius season, which starts on November 22 and ends on December 21, will be a time of growth, evolution, and exploration. The sun’s entry into this adventurous sign will bring about a surge of enthusiasm and optimism.

Venus’s move into Scorpio on December 4 will bring about a focus on fated relationships and commitments. This will be a time to examine patterns and habits that no longer serve you.

Mercury’s entry into Capricorn on December 1 will signal a shift to a more serious tone in conversation. Discussions will be more structured and professional.

The sun’s trine to the North Node in Aries and sextile to the South Node in Libra on December 15 will encourage you to pursue new opportunities with confidence. This will be a time to take action and go after what you want.

The final retrograde of 2023 will begin on December 13 when Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn. This will be a time of miscommunication, travel issues, and technological problems. Be patient and flexible during this period.

Sagittarius season is a time to embrace new experiences and chase your dreams. Don’t be afraid to take risks and step outside your comfort zone.

Sagittarius Season Horoscopes


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