Virgo – Capricorn Season Horoscope

If creative goals or pleasure pursuits have felt like remote fantasies, Capricorn season wants you to get serious about them. Whether you’re dusting off an instrument you once played, or trying out a new cake recipe, schedule these hours into your day.

The New Moon on December 23rd is an opportunity to spend time mapping out what you need, or how you’d like to organize your days to make more room for the outlets that leave you feeling illuminated. Stretch your canvases. Organize the game night. Say yes to the early bed-time — or the dance party.

By the time the Full Moon on January 6th arrives, you’re invited to take stock of your pleasure, and the ways you give yourself permission to linger in it. To savor it. To not take it for granted. It’s time to commit to anything and everything that brings you joy.

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