Taurus – Capricorn Season Horoscope

As the Sun enters Capricorn, it invites you to bring serious dedication to your long-term plans, studies, and spiritual pursuits. Capricorn season infuses your days with the drive to make game-plans. To check out the books from the library you’ve been meaning to. To dig into the podcast, audio book, or discussion about the larger life topics you’ve been circling around.

And to push back against instant gratification. The New Moon on December 23rd calls you to plant seeds for projects that you want to endure. Source the biggest piece of blank paper you can and flowchart, mind-map, or list your ideas.

Come the Full Moon on January 6th, you’re reminded that nurturing yourself is non-negotiable. Taking breaks along the way will actually be more productive in the long run. Tend to your daily restoration as much as you tend to your exploration. What unfolds in the process is a life, lived. And lived fully.

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