Cancer – Sun in Capricorn Horoscope

Who do you want to be with during the holidays, Cancer? Your relationships will be significant during Capricorn season since the sun in Capricorn and Mercury retrograde in Capricorn will be in your seventh house of commitments. Unexpected but much-needed insight about your relationships will come up around December 22. As a result, your holiday plans may require some last-minute changes depending on who you choose to prioritize since Mercury retrograde will enter Sagittarius the following day.

Although adjusting your plants can be stressful, it will be worthwhile to do so by the full moon in Cancer on December 26. As the full moon rises, you will feel increasingly confident about putting your wants and needs first during the holidays. Your assertiveness won’t stop there since Mars will enter Capricorn in early January. With Mars on your side and the upcoming new moon in Capricorn, you can set the intention to be more upfront about what you want from your relationships.

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