Scorpio – Sun in Cancer Horoscope

Hey there Scorpio. Welcome to the watery Cancer season 2023. You are right at home here. You’ve been doing some deep inner transformations these past few seasons and your ruling planet Pluto is still moving retrograde up until October 10, which can be quite emotionally turbulent. Be mindful of the path of your emotions this season especially around July 10 when the fiery planet Mars enters nitpicky Virgo. It could have you a bit hot-headed and feeling up for an argument! Pay attention to your emotional triggers because there is something wounded in your unconscious that has been poked. If you are feeling the rage, don’t act out on it. Allow yourself to explore why you are feeling so angry and gently bring it to the surface to unpack. It’s still all about shadow work for you my fellow Scorpios. Keep going. You are transforming yourself!

Mantra, “I am learning from my shadow.”

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