Cancer – Sun in Cancer Horoscope

Hello Cancerians! It’s your season and for many of you, your Solar Return. Hopefully, last season brought some of you some much-needed abundance. If not, I’m sure the gifts will be flowing your way on your birthday! There is an important cycle completing for you this season when the Full Moon in Capricorn moves into your seventh house of relationship on July 3. This could be an emotional one for some of you but it’s very healing and powerful all the same. When cycles complete it means a rebirth into something new. Capricorn energy wants to restructure the way you have relationships, and it’s all good. Spend the Full Moon in a self-care practise, cathartically releasing, finding closure and embracing healing. Step into the rest of 2023 reborn and ready to move into a new version of yourself.

Mantra, “I am completing a cycle and welcome a rebirth. ”

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