Pisces – Sun in Cancer Horoscope

Hello Pisces! There was a focus last season on transforming your interpersonal relationships with the planet of the unconscious, Pluto moving retrograde in Capricorn in your eleventh house of friendship. This theme still prevails this season with an added emphasis on healthy boundaries. When Mercury, the planet of communication enters Leo on July 11, you may feel a shift in confidence around asserting healthy boundaries around relationships that are challenging. This may feel emotionally painful but could be a necessary restructuring, especially around any toxic relationships. Do the necessary self-care practices to help nurture yourself in the process: surround yourself with supportive friends, journal, meditate and practice staying in the present moment. The falling away of certain relationships need to happen for your soul to evolve. This paves the way for more aligned people to move into your sphere. Remember, love abounds and there is plenty to go around.

Mantra, “I am creating healthy boundaries”

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