Capricorn – Sun in Cancer Horoscope

Hey there Capricorn. Welcome to Cancer season 2023, where the waters run deep. Last season there was guidance around releasing destructive behavior from your life. The theme continues this season as Pluto, the planet of the unconscious, continues to move retrograde through your sign. There is a restructuring going on in the zone of your shadow. In Jungian psychology, the shadow represents the wounded aspect of ourselves that we keep repressed deep in our unconscious. This retrograde helps pull it into the light to heal. Use the power of the Full Moon in your sign on July 3 to do some powerful self care, release, healing and letting go. Especially around those destructive behaviours or habits that are holding you back from being the happiest version of yourself. Keep going Capricorn!

Mantra, “I am healing my shadow.”

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