Sun in Aquarius Horoscopes, January 20 – February 18

Sun in Aquarius Horoscopes, January 20 – February 18

A Sun in Aquarius is a Sun that is extremely distant from home. In the sign inverse Leo, its brilliant realm, Sol assumes the hooded appearance of a drifter, a revolutionary, an outcast. The sun powered period of Aquarius has a ton to do with going after intelligent fixes in the spaces where you don’t feel like you have an insider’s inheritance to sparkle or be seen. During this time, we become ourselves all the more completely by creating ourselves deliberately.

This year, Aquarius Season ushers us into the future by providing us with an excess of positive progress. Both Venus and Mercury wrap up their retrogrades this month. In the interim, a gradually mounting sextile among Jupiter and Uranus goes precise on February seventeenth, imbuing the overall climate with out of this world, outside-of-the-container fantasizes. The New Moon in Aquarius on February first blends with the now-isolating Saturn/Uranus square, allowing us an opportunity to genuinely recenter ourselves inside the rubble of the previous request.

To start with, however, a chamber of planets gather in Capricorn. Mercury goes through the core of the Sun in Aquarius on January 23rd, murmuring supportive hints into our ears as we keep bewildering our direction through its retrograde. Then, at that point, it retreats into Capricorn on January 25th, where it will station direct on February third.

Aquarius Season Horoscopes
