Scorpio February 2023 Horoscope

Scorpio February 2023 Horoscope

Scorpio, the sun in your home zone until February 18 brings you a chance to step back from life and see things in perspective. Use the coming weeks to nurture yourself, recharge your batteries, and spend more time with loved ones. If you want to beautify your home and get it shipshape for the warmer months, now is the time. A bit of decluttering first will make any redecorating much easier.

The full moon in Leo and a high-flying zone on the fifth could coincide with a misunderstanding and shatter any sense of peace. This lunar phase angles toward restless Uranus, so any upset could be taken the wrong way and cause a disconnect in a key bond. It would be a good idea to not get so aggrieved that you end up making an emotional display in public. You might not be seen in the best light. If you need to make an important decision, wait a few days until things have settled down.

Talkative Mercury moves into Aquarius and your home and family sector on February 11, and it might inspire you to purchase new gadgets or technology to improve things around the home. A business idea that you can work on at the kitchen table might also materialize. If implemented, it could be a winner.

The sun’s move into Pisces and your sector of leisure on the eighteenth ushers in a time when romance, creativity, and enjoying life become more of a priority. Your imagination is at a peak, bringing a great opportunity to indulge in your skills and talents and create art, crafts, music, or anything else you love to do.

Finally, the new moon in Pisces on February 19 is an excellent time to promote your work, whether through social media or other ways. You never know who might be watching and admiring what you do.


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