Scorpio December 2018 Love Horoscope

MONTH OF DEC 2018: Mercury retrograde moves backward into your determined sign on December 1, but no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape the mix-ups and delays it’s bent on causing. Stick with your gut instincts as you navigate the difficult waters.
The positive Mars-Neptune conjunction on the seventh launches you into something new, but are you ready for it? Yes, you’re confident, but it’s only natural to hesitate if you’ve never experienced this before. Take it slowly, Scorpio.
The moon takes a fiery trip through fellow Mars-ruled Aries from December 15 to December 17, and you connect with its passionate energy. Unlike you, however, Aries acts before it thinks, so you might be more impulsive than usual. A sense of spontaneity can be great in some cases and not so good in others.
The Capricorn sun on the twenty-first gives off very responsible energy, strengthening your desire to prove that you’re a reliable, stable partner. You yearn for measurable results, but emotions aren’t always easy to quantify.
Your ruler Mars enters competitive Aries on December 31, so you’ll spend the last day of the year with plenty of confidence. You’re a great catch, Scorpio. Don’t forget what you’re capable of when the new year begins!
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