Scorpio April 2019 Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF APR 2019: The moon is new in Aries, which shares your ruler Mars, on April 5, so you identify with its fiery energy. You crave excitement in your love life as well, but you aren’t willing to totally ignore the potential hazardous consequences to get it (like the Ram sometimes is).
The Jupiter retrograde cycle that starts on the tenth has you wondering if meeting your partner or a new crush really was fate or if there’s no such thing. Reconsidering how you feel now might change the course of the relationship, so think carefully before you act.
Mercury rules travel, so when it spends time in enthusiastic Aries on April 16, you might be tempted to expedite vacation plans. If you and your partner can both get away, go for it. Otherwise, stick to the original plan. Single Scorpios who have spontaneous romantic encounters while traveling might now know what hit you. In a good way.
Co-ruler Pluto goes retrograde in Capricorn on the twenty-fourth, and until the start of October, you might be experiencing some romantic regret surrounding something you feel responsible for. Unfortunately, there might not be anything you can do about it. Let it go, Scorpio. For your sake, let it go.
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