Scorpio 2020 November Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio 2020 November Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF NOV 2020: Mercury goes direct while in Libra on November 3, but it reenters your determined sign a week later. When you want to get to the bottom of something, you can’t be stopped, and right now you’ve got your sights on a fascinating topic or person that you can’t quit obsessing about. Your gaze is intense as you stare into the unknown.

Powerful Mars, your co-ruler, goes direct while in aggressive Aries, the other sign it rules, on the thirteenth, giving you the courage to go after what you truly want. When desire meets effort, you’re virtually unstoppable. If there’s an obstacle in your way, it’s about to get decimated.

A new moon in your sign on November 14 helps you explore your shadowy side, which could spell trouble for other people. When you fully embrace the dark parts of yourself, you might get in touch with some raw, otherworldly forces that can’t be stopped. Luckily, you know your personal limits very well.

Venus pairs up with your intense sign on the twenty-first, but this isn’t an ideal partnership. Your control issues are too much for someone now, and your incessant need to be right comes off as elitist and egotistical. Yes, your confidence is a turn-on to some, but at what price?