Scorpio 2020 March Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF MAR 2020: Your mind turns to intellectual discussions during Mercury’s turn in logical Aquarius on March 4. You’ll be super inventive now, too, which gives you lots to talk about. You might have to find a different group of people to discuss your out-there theories with because your usual friends and family may deem you just a bit too “weird” for them right now.
The sun enters powerful Aries, which shares its power planet Mars with you on the nineteenth, ushering in a fiery time of action. You move from just talking about things to actually putting plans into motion, which can have varying results. You don’t slow down for a second, though, let alone stop. You’ve got places to go and people to see.
There’s an important conjunction between your co-rulers Mars and Pluto on March 23, driving up your ambition, sex drive, lust, and most other things associated with these two sensual, sexual planets. Selfishness can be a negative aspect of this transit, but you can be successful if you remember to be humble.
Mars pairs up with airy Aquarius on March 30, and you’re extremely focused on your individuality and uniqueness for the last couple days of the month. Other people are drawn to you and want to be around you because it’s obvious you’re going great places.