Scorpio 2019 November Monthly Horoscope

Scorpio 2019 November Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF NOV 2019: When your co-rulers Mars and Pluto square off on November 5, there are power struggles galore. You have a strong urge to accomplish your objectives, but you can’t seem to do that without running into obstacles. You don’t live for controversy or confrontation, but you aren’t about to let go of something you really want without a fight.

The sun-Pluto sextile on the thirteenth is much more positive because it allows you to grow from past experiences. You still have a driving urge to succeed, but this time you know there are limits to what you can and can’t do, and you’re more prepared to use your inner strength rather than outside force to get where you want to go.

Things get interesting when your aggressive home planet enters your focused sign on November 18, because you love to draw other people out despite the fact you want to remain hidden and mysterious. You’re a very trusted friend and family member now. Anything anyone close to you tells you is bound to remain a secret.

Dreamy Neptune goes direct on the twenty-seventh, putting an end to a particularly bad situation. But did it actually end, Scorpio, or are you just ignoring or idealizing it now? And is there really a difference? You might be suffering from a delusion, but at least you’re happy.


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