Leo – Saturn Retrograde Horoscope

Transform your inner world, Leo! Saturn’s retrograde in Pisces urges you to delve deep into your subconscious and address any lingering emotional issues. This period is perfect for healing and transformation, helping you to release past traumas and embrace a more empowered version of yourself. Trust in the process and know that this inner work will pave the way for profound personal growth.

In your professional life, you may feel the urge to reassess your career goals and financial strategies. Use this time to refine your plans and ensure they align with your true values. Patience and perseverance will be your allies as you navigate this period of reassessment. Embrace the slower pace and allow yourself the space to think deeply about your future.

On the personal front, this retrograde encourages you to reconnect with your spiritual side and explore practices that promote inner peace and clarity. Your relationships may also benefit from this period of reflection, as you become more attuned to your own needs and those of your loved ones.

Advice: Focus on healing and transformation.

Warning: Avoid making impulsive decisions; patience will yield better results.

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