Sagittarius June 2019 Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUN 2019: You love to make big romantic plans during the new Gemini moon on June 3, but will you follow through with them? Not always. You’ve got a lot of thoughts swirling through your head thanks to the restless energy of the Twins, but finishing what you start isn’t your greatest strength now.
Destiny is calling during the lucky sun-Jupiter retrograde opposition on the tenth, reminding you that some things are meant to be. Have you experienced love at first sight? Do you feel a magnetic attraction to the stranger you sometimes see in the elevator at work? Did you share an incredible story of coincidence with your partner? Fate is real.
You’re a creative soul during the Mars-Neptune trine on June 14, and this is what drives you midmonth. Paint a portrait of your lover, or write and illustrate a comic book starring you and your work crush. Find your favorite medium and express your love imaginatively and artistically!
There’s a full moon in your travel-loving sign on the seventeenth, so you could find love (or rekindle it) on a work trip or personal vacation. There’s something about being in a different place that lets you experience love in its purest form. You’ll have to get back to reality eventually, but for now, just enjoy the possibilities of your new surroundings.
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