Sagittarius February 2019 Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF FEB 2019: You know exactly what to say and when to say it during the Mercury-Jupiter sextile on February 3. Talking is your favorite form of social communication, and you do it well. Why text someone when you can have an actual face-to-face conversation?! Remember those?
A sun-Jupiter sextile on the eighth brings luck and general happiness, and even if things aren’t perfect, you appreciate all that’s good. It’s nice to have a few days when nothing major goes wrong. And if chaos ensues? You’re totally capable of handing it!
The sun moves into gentle Pisces on the eighteenth, putting a compassionate spin on your personal relationships. You really want to give people a break now (and generally do) unless their story is just too far-fetched for even you to believe.
A Mercury-Jupiter square on February 22 urges you to pay close attention to how you communicate because you might not appear the way you think you do. Seeing yourself from someone else’s perspective is eye-opening.
The moon spends time in your sign on the twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh, moving the focus away from Scorpio’s intensity and onto expanding your boundaries. Trade comfort for adventure. You won’t be disappointed when you step outside your comfort zone.
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