Sagittarius 2020 September Monthly Horoscope

Sagittarius 2020 September Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF SEP 2020: As talkative Mercury leaves critical Virgo and meets up with balanced Libra on September 5, you’d rather reach an amicable agreement than argue. This classy energy put you in a great position to play ref between two fighting friends or act as a liaison between two combatant co-workers. Your sense of fairness is nondiscriminatory.

The new moon in practical Virgo on the seventeenth helps you set reasonable goals for the future, but you might suffer if you set your expectations too high. This can be an extremely critical lunation, Sagittarius, so try to start small and work up to bigger things so you don’t end up disappointing yourself.

The sun enters optimistic Libra at the same time as the fall equinox on September 22, giving you a clean slate and a much more positive outlook. As you feel the season change around you, it breathes new life into your surroundings. Despite whatever else is going on with you, don’t lose sight of how lucky you are.

Strict Saturn leaves its retrograde cycle to turn direct in ambitious Capricorn on the twenty-eighth, putting some rules into place and reminding you to have patience when it comes to your future goals. It would be nice if everything just effortlessly fell into place, but that’s just not how life works.