Sagittarius 2020 July Monthly Love Horoscope

Sagittarius 2020 July Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF JUL 2020: If you’ve got any plans on July 4, the full moon and lunar eclipse in responsible Capricorn could spoil them. Is it possible to ignore your sense of duty in exchange for a good time? Yes. But will you sleep well knowing there are things left on your romantic to-do list? Probably not.

The new moon in creative Cancer arrives on the twentieth, giving you all kinds of new ideas to implement to improve your love life. Because there is a lot of energy surrounding family and home now, be sure to focus on those topics and how they affect your current love life. Buying a new home could be in your and your partner’s near future, or if you’re single, a cousin or sibling might be instrumental in finding you a match.

The energy is charged when the sun is welcomed in Leo, the sign it rules, on July 22, so get ready for some fireworks. The coming month should have enough fun, drama, and passion to boost even the most boring love life!

A Mercury-Jupiter opposition on the thirtieth makes you falsely confident, which could result in some awkward romantic moments. A badly timed comment or move is hard to overcome, and pretending it didn’t happen probably isn’t an option. Laugh it off if possible.