Sagittarius 2019 Horoscope Overview

One thing’s for sure, Sag, you’ve got a lust for life. And with Jupiter spending most of 2019 in your sign, this year you’re living large!
Jupiter (your ruling planet) brings out the best and worst of whatever sign he’s in. Still, his two conjunctions with Venus this year (January 22 and November 24) mean that in true Sagittarian fashion, you’ll be playing up the positives: optimism, enthusiasm, open-mindedness, honesty, and a wicked sense of adventure!
Just don’t let it go to your head—with Jupiter squaring Neptune in Pisces throughout the year (January 13, June 16, and September 21), delusions of grandeur are a potential side effect. So, on the other hand, is “impostor complex.” The challenge is to see yourself in not too positive or negative a light—and love yourself as you truly are.
Our upbringing has a major effect on how we see ourselves. But for you, Sag, family or cultural expectations of who you “should” be may no longer apply. You’ll have plenty of time to ponder this during Mercury’s extended time in Pisces (February 10-April 16, retrograde March 5-28). But look for ways to honor your roots, even as you spread your wings.
Who are you, really? There’s no easy answer—but with Mercury also spending extra time in Scorpio (October 3-December 9, retrograde October 31-November 20), questions like these keep bubbling up. The answers won’t be found “out there;” they’ll only be found within. Still, you don’t have to solve the mystery all on your own. Whether it’s a friend, a counselor, or even an astrologer, talking to someone you trust can be a big help!
But you’ll also need to walk the walk. With Jupiter in your sign and Uranus in Taurus, a tendency to overdo it this year can bring unwanted health surprises like weight gain, illness, or injury—so try to establish some healthy routines that keep you grounded and maintain wellbeing for your body, mind, and spirit.
After all, Sag, you’re only human—so if you really want to “live your best life” in 2019, you’ll need to honor your own limits!
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