Pluto in Aquarius Horoscopes – March 23, 2023

Pluto is a planet that holds great significance in astrology. It symbolizes depth, intensity, and mystery, and despite being the smallest and furthest planet, it holds tremendous seismic power. On March 23rd, Pluto is about to undergo a once-in-a-lifetime transition into Aquarius, marking its first shift after almost 15 years in Capricorn. It’s essential to understand how this shift will affect your zodiac sign as it will continue unfolding over the next two decades and bring about massive shifts on both personal and collective levels.
Pluto, named after the Greek god of the underworld, represents transformation and profound change. It can bring about positive change, but it can also signify dark obsessions and power struggles. Pluto draws intensity and represents all that is hidden beneath the surface, working like the eye of a storm.
Pluto has been transiting Capricorn since 2008, but its ingress into Aquarius marks the first sign shift for the planet in nearly 15 years. As a generational planet, Pluto’s influence shapes society over a longer period. In the forward-thinking air sign Aquarius, we’re likely to witness transformative power altering technology, innovation, and how we envision the future. Changes and revelations within the greater collective are expected as Aquarius rules groups and community.
While Pluto will spend only a few months of 2023 in Aquarius, it’ll give us a glimpse of what’s to come. Its transformative power will work on different parts of our chart for the next two decades, bringing significant changes for each zodiac sign based on their sun and/or rising sign. As we move towards a new era of societal change, it’s worth paying attention to this transit for a life-changing astrological experience!
Pluto in Aquarius Horoscopes
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