Pisces 2020 November Monthly Love Horoscope

Pisces 2020 November Monthly Love Horoscope

MONTH OF NOV 2020: You can finally use your communication skills to your advantage again as Mercury turns direct in diplomatic Libra. If you’ve been hesitant to express yourself lately because of a fear of being misunderstood, you have a better chance now than in the past three weeks. Whispering and talking softly receive positive attention.

The new moon in fellow emotional water sign Scorpio on the fourteenth shows you a new romantic path, but are you brave enough to take it? You should be feeling confident with Scorpio’s determined energy surrounding you, so this might be a good time to take a leap of faith when it comes to love. Believe in yourself and the power of attraction.

Venus enters Scorpio on November 21, injecting your love life with excitement and passion. You have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks if you’re willing to let down your guard and explore your fantasies. In order to share them with someone, however, you have to trust them 100 percent.

When your ruler Neptune goes direct while paired with your emotional sign on the twenty-eighth, things start to get very real. If you’ve been purposely ignoring an issue in your love life lately, you’ve got nowhere else to hide from it now. This can be a very therapeutic time if you’re open to different options. Use your daydreams as problem-solving vignettes, not distractions.