Pisces 2020 February Monthly Horoscope

MONTH OF FEB 2020: It’s hard to ignore your gut feelings when Mercury starts spending time in your intuitive sign on February 3. For the next couple weeks, it’s important to pay close attention to your daydreams and stream of consciousness. Your subconscious should have the answers to a lot of your questions now, Pisces. Have faith in your first instincts and impressions. They’re usually correct.
Leader Mars teams up with ambitious Capricorn on the sixteenth, and this power couple wants to see you succeed beyond your wildest dreams. You aren’t normally comfortable taking the initiative, but right now making the first move can bring a lot more rewards than keeping silent will.
You feel comfortable in your own skin as the sun moves into your compassionate sign on February 18, and your creative, imaginative, and peace-loving personality shines through for the coming month. An introvert at heart, you’re happiest at home with a book and your favorite pet. Don’t give in to peer pressure to go out and do things. You deserve to spend time in your own happy place, wherever that may be.
You’ll be in a contemplative mood during the new moon in your sign on February 23, but don’t let regrets overshadow your accomplishments. Sure, you’ve probably made a few wrong moves, but who hasn’t? Decide to forgive yourself for past mistakes and move on.
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