Pisces 2018 November Love Horoscope

MONTH OF NOV 2018: Love and romance are kind of your things, and November is no exception. A sun-Neptune retrograde (in Pisces) trine on November 6 starts the month out on a selfless note, and what else is new?! You often put others first in relationships, which is admirable but has its drawbacks as well. Some basic advice for all Fish: Take good care of yourself so that you can continue to take care of others.
Love-centered Venus goes direct in Libra on the sixteenth, letting you, a true lover of and believer in romance, breathe a sigh of relief. You don’t have to hold anything back now, and your charm quotient goes up considerably. You aren’t the biggest flirt in the zodiac, but few people can resist you when you bat your beautiful, soulful eyes at them.
Neptune also turns out of its retrograde cycle on November 24, so your fantasies and daydreams return to their vivid loveliness. Deep down, you know you’re avoiding reality on some level, but you’re thrilled to be able to retreat to your happy place once again.
A Mercury retrograde-Mars square on the twenty-sixth complicates love-related decisions, but there’s no rush to make up your mind. If someone presses you for an answer ASAP, they might not be the one for you.
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