Pick A Stone And Discover What It Reveals About You

Pick A Stone And Discover What It Reveals About You

Take a moment to look at the six stones you see above. Without thinking too hard about it, pick a stone. Avoid picking your favorite color, go with the one you are drawn to the most in this very moment. Be confident, don’t second guess your decision!

This is what it means:


Stone #1

The first stone is Opalite. Opalite is subtle yet highly energetic. It is ideal for meditation. Opalite improves communication on all levels, especially the spiritual. You want only freedom in life from the hustle and bustle of civilization. You feel the need to disconnect and find peace somewhere where your senses and inner thoughts rein supreme. If you chose this stone, it indicates that you have weathered the storms and you are now much stronger and wiser for the experience. You do wear the scars however but this is something that doesn’t need to be permanent. Like the plaque on the stone, it can be washed off. You are a sensitive and gentle being and protection has been necessary for you and is necessary for you.


Stone #2

The second stone is Malachite. Malachite personifies the deep healing green of nature and represents the innate beauty of flowers, trees, roots and plants. It is a stone of transformation, assisting one in changing situations and providing for spiritual growth. It reveals that major life changes are on the horizon for you. Many changes will be spiritual in nature. You may also experience changes in your love life. This is a good time to consider the choices you’ve been making in the grand scheme of life. You find it difficult to be around negative people, and you need to limit your time with those who are negative to protect your own delicate nature.

Be careful that you don’t spread yourself too thin and become resentful and hard from giving too much to people. Learn to say ‘No’ once in a while. This does not mean for you to stop sending out that beautiful ray of light to people, just be aware of your own needs and set boundaries for yourself. You’re important too and need to be aware that receiving is just as important as giving – balance is the key.


Stone #3

The third stone is a Sunstone. Sunstone is an abundance stone. It encourages independence and originality, is inspirational in revealing talents, and attracts fame and unexpected prosperity. It is an excellent “good luck” crystal for competitions. If you felt attracted to it, it tells us that you’re an optimist through and through. The future for you is bright as can be. Be sure to spend lots of time absorbing the healing warmth of the sun as you move forward. Don’t lose your sunny disposition! You like everything to be just right in your world, simple, balanced or otherwise you tend to suffer from stress or worry. You would benefit from structure, routine, organization, writing to-do lists. But know that things don’t have to be perfect all the time. Learn to go with the flow of life.


Stone #4

The fourth stone is a Mahogany Obsidian stone. Obsidian is a grounding stone but also contains a fiery element. It is useful for developing the strength needed to stand on your own convictions against any enemy. If drawn to this stone, your subconscious is trying to say that it’s time to break out of old habits and routines and create a new life. Remember how lucky you are and how grateful you are of everything and don’t let jealousy creep into your mind. You strive for perfection which leads to disappointment when you feel you don’t measure up. Know that you are good enough, whether you believe it or not. Perhaps look at striving for excellence instead of perfection as excellence is more easily attainable and won’t leave you feeling you’re not good enough.


Stone #5

The fifth stone is called Howlite. Howlite is a great tool to have during meditation because it can help you focus your mind. It can promote serenity of mind and remove any kind of distracting thought. It will help you get rid of your stress and anxiety because Howlite is also a powerful calming stone. If you’re attracted to this stone, keep your mind open for messages from the “other side.” These messages may come from other worldly beings or passed relatives and loved ones. Keep a dream journal and be aware of visions or synchronicity. If you chose this stone, it indicates that it’s time to let go of something that no longer serves you. You feel the leopard can’t change its spots, but I beg to differ. You can change if you really set your mind to it. It’s a choice that only you can make – no one can make it for you. Even if you feel that life has thrown you a curve ball and this is your lot in life, don’t give your power to someone else. When you allow others to take the reigns of your life, you give them the power to create your life. Instead, take the reigns and create the life you want.


Stone #6

The final stone is Dalmatian Jasper. Dalmatian Jasper helps to harmonize the emotions and assists in maintaining composure, even under the most difficult circumstances. Dalmatian Jasper is a wonderful piece to use when you want to review and reflect on past actions and decisions, so if a similar situation has presented itself, you will be prepared to make a more informed choice. This stone indicates that you’re fun loving and need to keep play alive in your life. Seek out new adventures and make new friends. Having fun will win the day for you. You need to shed some limited beliefs based on childhood experiences. You need to let go of the past hurts and forgive so you can move on, really creating the life you deserve. You need to speak up or have been speaking up but instead of it coming from a place of love, the words have come from a place of hurt, anger, sadness, frustration.


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