New Moon Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius Horoscopes – December 14, 2020


On December 14, 2020 (8:17 AM Pacific Time), there will be a new moon/total solar eclipse at 23°08’ of Sagittarius.

New Moon Solar Eclipse In Sagittarius Horoscopes – December 14, 2020

These last two weeks of eclipse season—and really, this whole year—have been a kind of portal. Each of us has had to feel our way through darkness and uncertainty, hoping it will lead us to our highest good. But at this new moon, we’re finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Sagittarius is, after all, the zodiac’s eternal optimist. So it’s no surprise that when the moon and sun align in this mutable fire sign, faith and hope come a little more easily. No matter how difficult life has been, we just know that things will get better. Sayings like “everything happens for a reason” or “every cloud has a silver lining” rise above cliché, and resonate with spiritual truth.

Still, we shouldn’t skip ahead to the silver lining. With the moon and sun conjunct the South Node, this eclipse can also bring endings, losses, and goodbyes—which may or may not have a bright side. Honor your feelings (and those of others), even if they’re not particularly “positive.”

As this eclipse squares Neptune in Pisces, there’s a fine line between positive thinking and wishful thinking. It’s important not to be “all talk,” or make false promises to ourselves and others. Fortunately, with the Sagittarius moon, sun, Mercury, and South Node all trining Mars in Aries, we’ve got the willpower to back our intentions up with action. The key is channeling this fiery energy toward learning, growth, and the greater good—not just indulging our own appetites.

Read on for your sun and rising signs to learn more about what this eclipse means for you.