Virgo – New Moon Horoscope May 19, 2023

The future feels more optimistic and full of potential than it has in a while, Virgo. The new moon lands in your ninth house of expansion, travel, perspective, education, and spirituality. Important conversation and discussions about goals you have for your future may kick off today. News or information that is revealed may shift your personal perspective in some way. This is also a beautiful moon to plan a future trip under or to take a risk and try something new. If you’re feeling more curious than normal, sign up for a class or course of interest!

Your new moon self-care practice: Zoom out and reflect back on goals you had 10 years ago. What were they, and have you achieved any of them? Looking back on where we came from and how much we’ve accomplished along the way can shift our perspective and cultivate more gratitude in our present lives.

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