New Moon In Libra Horoscopes – September 26, 2022

New Moon In Libra Horoscopes – September 26, 2022

If you happened to come into the world while the sun or other planets were moving through air sign Libra, you’re uniquely capable of bringing more beauty and balance into the world. Libran people are diplomatic social butterflies who prize justice and avoid conflict at all costs. That peace-seeking vibe is owed to the sign’s ruler, Venus, which oversees relationships and often fosters harmony within our bonds. And that’s a theme you’ll want to bear in mind as you step into the days surrounding this month’s Libra-ruled lunar event.

A new moon in the sign of the Scales will be exact on Sunday, September 25 at 5:54 p.m. ET/2:54 p.m. PT. With the moon opposing Jupiter, the planet of abundance and fortune, this can be a lucky moment with an asterisk — and that’s the risk of pursuing balance in your bonds at the expense of your own boundaries.

The new moon in Libra is a lightbulb moment for your one-on-one connections.

New moons — which happen when the confident sun pairs up with the intuitive moon — always present a monthly opportunity to get clear on which new chapter you want to write over the course of the next two weeks (up until the next full moon) and next six months (when the corresponding full moon occurs). And this particular new moon is tailored to setting intentions related to partnership as well as money, values, and beauty — basically all things Venusian.

Although this new moon occurs just three days after Libra season kicks off, Mercury, the planet of communication, has been moving forward — and then backward, thanks to its retrograde (more on that in a moment) — through the cardinal air sign since August 25. So, at least in terms of how you’re expressing yourself and thinking lately, you’re likely familiar with the lessons Libra season has in store for you. You might be compelled to take a microscope to your spending and saving habits, to weed out a toxic friendship that’s keeping you stuck in the past, or to reimagine your definition of personal beauty. And you can readily set a powerful intention related to any of these aims now.

New Moon Horoscopes


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