Scorpio: New Moon Horoscope October 2, 2024

Scorpio, the Libra New Moon on October 2 is all about healing and renewal for you. This New Moon lights up your twelfth house, the most mysterious and spiritual part of your chart, making this a powerful time for introspection and letting go of what no longer serves you. It’s a chance to clear out old emotional baggage and make space for new beginnings. If you’ve been feeling weighed down by the past or stuck in an emotional rut, this New Moon offers the opportunity for a deep, transformative release.

Don’t be surprised if you feel more reflective or drawn to solitude around this time. The twelfth house is about retreat and healing, so you may find yourself seeking quiet moments to meditate, journal, or simply rest. This is the time to connect with your inner self and realign with your spiritual purpose. Libra’s balancing energy will help you restore inner peace and harmony, so trust that any emotional work you do now will pay off in the long run. Use this lunar energy to set intentions for healing, forgiveness, and closing old chapters. A beautiful new beginning is just around the corner!

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