Virgo: New Moon Horoscope October 2, 2024

Virgo, get ready for a financial reset! The Libra New Moon highlights your second house of money, values, and self-worth, making this the perfect time to focus on your financial goals. If you’ve been looking to increase your income or make smarter investments, the universe is giving you the green light. New streams of income or opportunities to boost your wealth may present themselves during this period, so keep your eyes open. It’s also an ideal time to create a budget or rethink your spending habits, as Libra’s balancing energy helps you find harmony between saving and spending.

But it’s not just about money, Virgo—this New Moon also asks you to reflect on your sense of self-worth. Are you valuing yourself as much as you should? Libra’s influence brings harmony and balance to your material world, but it starts with how you see and value yourself. Take this opportunity to set intentions around what you want to attract, both financially and emotionally. When you believe in your worth, the universe responds by bringing abundance your way. Trust in the process and set your sights high!

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