Capricorn: New Moon Horoscope October 2, 2024

Capricorn, the Libra New Moon on October 2 is lighting up your career sector, bringing major opportunities for professional growth! This lunation activates your tenth house of career, public image, and long-term goals, making it the ideal time to set intentions for where you want to go professionally. Have you been thinking about starting a new job, aiming for a promotion, or launching your own business? The universe is giving you a green light. This New Moon encourages you to take charge of your ambitions and step confidently toward your dreams.

Libra’s influence also helps you find balance between your work and personal life. If you’ve been burning the candle at both ends, it’s time to assess where you need to bring more harmony. This New Moon offers a fresh start when it comes to your public image as well—how do you want to be seen by the world? Capricorns are known for their determination and work ethic, but this is also a chance to cultivate relationships with colleagues and higher-ups that are built on trust and mutual respect. Set clear, bold intentions for your career, and watch as opportunities flow your way.

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