Libra – New Moon Horoscope, June 6, 2024

Hello, Libra! Adventure and expansion are calling your name! This New Moon lights up your 9th house, which is all about higher education, travel, and philosophical pursuits. You’re about to broaden your horizons in exciting new ways.

New horizons and adventures await! It’s a fantastic time to plan a trip, enroll in a course, or dive into a new philosophy or belief system. This period encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and explore the world from a fresh perspective.


  • Plan a vacation or short trip to a place you’ve never been.
  • Sign up for a course or workshop that piques your interest.
  • Read books or watch documentaries on topics that expand your mind.

Watch out for:

  • Overextending yourself with too many new commitments. Prioritize what excites you most.
  • Being overly idealistic. Keep one foot on the ground while dreaming big.
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