Aries – New Moon Horoscope, June 6, 2024

Hey there, Aries! Get ready for a burst of curiosity and communication! This New Moon lights up your 3rd house, which is all about communication, siblings, and short trips. You’re about to find new ways to express yourself and connect with those around you.

New ideas and connections are blossoming! It’s a fantastic time to start a new course, take up writing, or embark on a short trip. If there’s a sibling you haven’t spoken to in a while, now’s a perfect moment to reach out and reconnect.


  • Start that blog or podcast you’ve been thinking about.
  • Call up a sibling or old friend for a catch-up session.
  • Take a weekend trip to a nearby destination to refresh your mind.

Watch out for:

  • Overloading yourself with too many new projects. Prioritize!
  • Gossip or misunderstandings. Clear communication is key.
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