New Moon In Aries Horoscopes – March 21, 2023

In astrology, all new moons herald new beginnings. But the new moon in Aries on March 21 at 1:22 p.m. EDT is bringing an extra dose of fresh-start energy: It coincides with the start of the astrological new year and the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere. What’s more? It takes place at 0 degrees of Aries, which is the first degree of the entire zodiac wheel. Translation: It’s giving cosmic New Year’s Day energy in a way that January 1 could never.
This next-level reset will be colored by intense Aries energy. As a cardinal fire sign, Aries is bursting with enthusiasm, courage, passion, and the necessary encouragement to go after our individual desires. And that’s exactly what this new moon is asking us all to do: Tune into our inner voices and filter out others’ opinions and expectations.
Under these moonbeams, we may feel more emboldened to take a risk or start something new, or we could feel a wave of forward momentum in a particular area of life. As we prepare to witness nature bloom once again this spring, we are also experiencing an internal rebirth, ripe with a fresh sense of hope, warmth, and optimism.
As the new moon arrives, Mercury, the planet of communication and information, will also be in fiery Aries. This positioning (so close to the sun) makes the planet “combust,” meaning that its influence could trigger some communication snafus. In particular, there may be a tendency, around the new moon, to speak boldly the moment a thought crosses your mind. Well-intentioned comments could land as puncture wounds. While there is much to be excited about, use discernment and exercise patience before making any intense declarations.
Also, know that Aries energy is the spark but not necessarily the flame: Whatever we feel called to invest our energy in now may fizzle shortly after. But it’s still worth using the current burst of momentum to begin, while trusting that the inspiration and dedication required to see your vision through will come—probably during Taurus season, which carries the energy of the fixed sign known for its ability to commit and sustain. In the meantime, lean into that fresh-start energy. (You can always rest and recuperate once the spark of inspiration dims.)
What the new moon in Aries means for your zodiac sign
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